24: Who's Who?

17 Nov 2023

In this episode we're discussing people that we follow, watch or listen to via podcasts, youtube, x (formerly twitter) and even sometimes using RSS feeds (yes some people still use them!).

It's a great way to keep up with things going on in the .NET world.

Random fact

StackOverflow - one of the biggest developer communities on the web

The website was created by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky in 2008.

The name for the website was chosen by voting in April 2008 by readers of Coding Horror, Atwood's popular programming blog.

On 31 July 2008, Jeff Atwood sent out invitations encouraging his subscribers to take part in the private beta of the new website, limiting its use to those willing to test out the new software.

On 15 September 2008 it was announced that the public beta version was in session and that the general public was now able to use it to seek assistance on programming related issues.

The design of the Stack Overflow logo was decided by a voting process


A 2013 study has found that 75% of users only ask one question, 65% only answer one question, and only 8% of users answer more than 5 questions.

To empower a wider group of users to ask questions and then answer, Stack Overflow created a mentorship program resulting in users having a 50% increase in score on average.

As of 2011, 92% of the questions were answered, in a median time of 11 minutes.

Since 2013, the Stack Exchange network software automatically deletes closed questions that meet certain criteria, including having no answers in a certain amount of time.

As of August 2012, 443,000 of the 1.3 million registered users had answered at least one question, and of those, approximately 6,000 (0.46% of the total user count) had earned a reputation score greater than 5000.

In 2016, 1.5 million posts were deleted, of which about 8% were deleted by moderators.[38]

Stack Overflow was originally written in C# using the ASP.NET MVC (Model–View–Controller) framework, and Microsoft SQL Server - first it was linq-to-sql then made Dapper micro object-relational mapper used for data access for the database.

In 2013, hardware was:

2 SQL servers (SO is on one, everything else on another…they could run on a single machine still having headroom though) 2 Web Servers (maybe 3, but I have faith in just 2) 1 Redis Server 1 Tag Engine server 1 Elasticsearch server 1 Load balancer 1 Network 1 ASA (Adaptive security appliance) 1 Router


A list of people that we follow/watch/listen to (podcast, youtube, twitter, RSS feeds) to keep up to date with what is going on in the .NET world (and related tech).

Comes up in interviews - how do you keep up to date with what’s going on in Software dev


Scott Hanselman (MS) - Add roles (Dev, Speaker)

Steve Sanderson (MS) Developer/architect at Microsoft on the http://ASP.NET Core team. Original creator of Blazor.

David Fowler (MS - Partner Software Architect) Damian Edwards (MS) PM Architect on .NET at Microsoft

David Kean (MS) Works on Visual Studio @ Microsoft

Scott Hunter (MS) VP Director of Product @ Microsoft on Azure Developer Experience.

Mika Dumont (MS) I'm a Program Manager on the .NET and Visual Studio team. My opinions are my own and not Microsoft's. (she/her)

Mads Kristensen (MS - Visual Studio dev)

Mads Torgersen (MS) - Program Manager at Microsoft Corporation

Anders Hejlsberg (MS) (Turbo Pascal, Delphi, C#, Typescript) Chief Architect at Microsoft

Don Syme (MS F# designer)



Microsoft Channel 9

Microsoft Azure

Nick Chapsas (.Net DEV / tutorials videos)

Scott Tolinski (Syntax) (JS Dev)

Wes Bos (Syntax) (JS Dev)

Iris Classon (.NET Dev)

Julie Lerman (Tech Journalist - alot with EF)

Troy Hunt - (Security / Data breaches / haveibeenpwned.com)

Robert Martin (Uncle Bob - ‘Clean …’ series of books - ‘Clean Code’, ‘Clean Architecture’, ‘Professional Software Craftsman’)

Jimmy Bogard (OSS frameworks, DDD-ish, opposed to Uncle Bob, Automapper, MediatR)

Udi Dahan - DDD / SOA

Eric Evans - The Blue book

Jeff Atwood (Coding Horror / SO founder / Discourse founder )

Joel Spolskey (MS Excel Team / Spolskey on Software / SO founder)

Matthew Crews - (F# professional - f# performance / FLIPS linear programming / optimization framework)

Jon Skeet - Trying to be a nice guy in tech. Happy at Google; C# In-Depth


.net rocks - Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell

dotnet rambles - you’re listening to it

Syntax FM - keeps me up to date on all things in the JS world

The unhandled exception - a .net dev from the UK

Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman

**The .NET Core Podcast

Troy Hunt's Weekly Update Podcast

**Darknet Diaries - not so much coding but very entertaining

https://console.dev/ - Interviews with interesting people in the devtools space.

Feeds / Blogs

Morning Brew - a roundup of all news (https://blog.cwa.me.uk) Chris Alcock

**Andrew Lock | .NET Escapades - My name is Andrew Lock, though everyone knows me as ‘Sock ’. I am a full-time developer, working predominantly in full stack ASP.NET development in Devon. Author of ASP.NET Core in Action

**no dogma blog - Bryan Hogan is a software architect, blogger, podcaster, Microsoft MVP in developer technologies, and Pluralsight author.

**Alvin Ashcraft's Morning Dew

Console - Interesting developer tools

JetBrains .NET Tools Blog

**John Papa - front end / angular and .net

Jessica Deen - https://jessicadeen.com/ Deen of DevOps - Micro services Dapr

Jon Skeet: Coding Blog

****Steve Gordon – Code with Steve - Local dev (Meetups) (**I’m a senior engineer at Elastic  maintaining the .NET client libraries. I’m a Microsoft MVP, AWS Hero and Pluralsight author.)

**Shawn Wildermuth's Blog

https://adamsilver.io/ (Hey I’m Adam. I'm an interaction designer who makes useful, usable and accessible services, which meet users’ needs.)

- refer to govuk design system episode!



  • dotnet
  • Channel 9
  • Scott Hanselman
  • Nick Chapsass
  • Ania Kubow - Code with Ania Kubów





There are a few newsletters that I’ve signed up to that are frequent enough to keep me updated but not to frequent to get annoying.




Katas / Exercises / Competitions


https://www.algoexpert.io/ - algorithms and data structures - ace the engineer interview



Yeah good old books!! I sometimes find that having a book is much easier to learn from, I can easily go backwards and forwards, bookmark interesting things and I don’t need any devices to use it! Of course books can go out of date fairly quickly.

Domain Driven Design - Eric Evans (the Blue Book)

  • Revised version

Clean Code series of books - Uncle Bob

Javascript The Good Parts - Douglas Crockford


These can be useful for on-going discussions.

Indie hackers - local meetups and online site

practicaldotnet.io - a .dotnet community setup by Jon Hilton

**Brighton ALT.NET - a monthly get together for anyone interested in C# and .NET development.

Stack overflow

Finding time to keep up with what is going on in the tech world is difficult and time consuming - I try not to worry too much about missing things as I could spend 24 hours a day and still not but up to date!

If you commute to work then listening to a podcast or watching a video is a great way to pass the time. I used to listen to 2-3 podcasts a day while commuting.

OS project/utility of the week

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) - Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming
